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Learn The Proven Ambit System


The Proven Ambit System

The Ambit System is a replicable process that allows you and your team to succeed and duplicate that success within Ambit over and over again. In this video, Brian talks about the system from a high level and discusses how it can work FOR you.

The Written List

The Written List

The first fundamental key to this business is the Written List. The size of your business will be dramatically impacted by the size of your list, both initially and as you dynamically grow your list over time.

In this video, Brian McClure describes the process of developing your Written List and augmenting it with the Written Lists of those you have introduced to the business, creating and endless flow of prospective business partners.


The Invitation

The Invitation is a distinction that most Ambit Consultants miss. The most important aspect of the Invitation is that you are asking prospects to simply take a look at your business, not to join your business.

In this video, Brian McClure discusses the importance of the Invitation, how to invite prospects, what tools to use when you invite them, and how to get them to look at the business presentation.


The Presentation

The Presentation is the next step in the Ambit System. This step involves the actual recruitment of prospects into your business. There are several ways to present the Ambit Opportunity. This step is where the possibility of enrolling a new Ambit Energy business partner begins.

In this video, Brian McClure discusses the various methods of executing the Presentation with your potential prospects and how to get them to the next step in our system.


The Validation

The Validation is the final step in the Ambit system. There are many methodologies to validate the Ambit Energy opportunity with your prospects and many tools available to use.

In this video, Brian McClure discusses the multiple ways to validate the Ambit Energy opportunity with your prospects and describes each of the tools you can use to help you in the process.