I logged into my Consumer Reports account. And there it was. The Reversing Factor. The maker of the highest rated product was none other than the manufacturer that I had written off. I was skeptical. But, what did the experts have to say? Consumer Reports is an expert, independent organization whose mission is to provide objective ratings and reviews. Consumer Reports said it was a best buy, good value, and a reliable product. My position softened. And, after consideration and research, I followed their recommendation.
This is what I call The Reversing Factor. Nothing is more influential in reversing a point of view than the unbiased, objective opinion of a trusted and recognized expert.
So, what does the world’s leading author and expert on leadership have to say about Ambit Energy? And, how can our newest recruiting tool, “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership in Ambit Energy” CD set be used to create The Reversing Factor for those that seem unopen to network marketing? Get to our special edition Power Trip and find out!
Hurry. Online registration for New York ends Friday (February 17th) at noon.
And yes, I was pleased with my second purchase. The experts were right.