The Ambit Times

Friday, 03 February 2012 15:23

Don’t Miss on Your Loot Scootin’ Boogie Bonuses

Written by  Brian
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The eight-city smashing success of AmbitCast 2012 opened the door for big bonuses. From now to the end of February – and we get an extra day because it is a leap year – we can all earn the following double/triple bonuses:


  • For Texas, Get Triple Bonuses!  Receive a 200% Match on Jump Start, Team Builder Bonus and CLB for any new MC who joins your organization between January 28 and February 29 and enrolls at least 6 Texas household points in 28 days. (2 points can be from your website.) Customers who trigger these commissions must be Texas customers.
  • For Illinois & Northeast, Get Double Bonuses!  Receive a 100% Match on Jump Start, Team Builder Bonus and CLB for any new MC who joins your organization between January 28 and February 29 and enrolls at least 7 Illinois & Northwest household points in 28 days. (2 points can be from your website.) Customers who trigger these commissions must be Illinois and/or customers.

Best of all, there is an exclusive promotion just for AmbitCast 2012 attendees!  You can earn huge bonuses for bringing in new Consultants (between January 28 and February 29) and helping them succeed:

  • A $1,000 BONUS for bringing in a personally sponsored Consultant who becomes a Fast-Track RC
  • A $1,500 BONUS for bringing in a personally sponsored Consultant who becomes a Fast-Track SC

Becoming a Fast-Track RC is not required to achieve the bonus for Fast-Track SC. All Consultant career-level promotions must be achieved by May 31, 2012.

Building leaders could never be so important! Build leaders. Grab your bonus! Check your Power Zone for details.

Keep charging!

Read 7528 times Last modified on Sunday, 11 November 2012 21:01
